Mrs Sherzad, our Computing Lead, welcomec you... |
Welcome to the OPA Computing Page. Here you will find information about Computing at OPA including our subject pathway; detailing the content taught in each year group and the progression of computing throughout a child’s time at OPA. Computing is taught both discretely and across the curriculum. We follow the National Curriculum programme of study and build upon key areas of computer science, digital literacy, information technology and e-safety. These areas help children develop a deep understanding of how to be a good digital citizen, use computers and computer networks safely and develop their programming skills to control both computers and programs that run on them.
What is computing? |
Computing is the use of computers to manage, process and communicate information.
In school we have 4 key concepts in Computing. As Computer Scientists we learn to
· Code — by developing an understanding of instructions, logic and sequences
· Connect — by developing an understanding of how to safely connect with others
· Communicate — by using apps to communicate our ideas
· Collect — by developing an understanding of databases and their uses
Each year the children become more skilled in these key concepts, building upon their prior knowledge and understanding. Our intention is that when they leave in Year 6 they can talk confidently about being safe online, apply computational thinking to solve problems, understand when and how technology can be used to our advantage, and have the skills to succeed in an ever developing digital world.