Uniform Information
Regular weather:
Grey school trousers, skirt or pinafore
Blue polo shirts
Burgundy school sweatshirt or cardigan
Black school shoes
School reversible waterproof fleece / coat - optional
In warmer weather, the following may be worn:
Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore
Blue polo shirts
Gingham pale blue dresses
Year 6:
Children wear a school blazer, blue shirt and school house tie with grey trousers/skirts
In colder weather, Year 6 children are welcome to wear a plain, grey V-neck jumper.
Jewellery, except watches and stud earrings, are not to be worn in school.
Indoor P:E: Plain House-coloured T-shirt and black shorts. Children will work in bare feet in the hall to encourage the correct development and for safety reasons.
Outdoor P:E: Plain black sweat top/hoodie & black jogging bottoms. No stripes or logos. Trainers. Children must wear jogging bottoms or plain black full-length leggings, not ¾ length pedal pushers.
Uniform items embroidered with our school logo can be purchased from Maisies, a school uniform provider based in Church Street, Wolverton. However, it is not compulsory that children wear uniform bearing our school logo. Plain, light blue polo shirts and plain, crew neck burgundy sweatshirts/cardigans can widely be purchased quite inexpensively from many retailers, including Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Asda.
If you require further information regarding our embroidered school uniform then please visit Maisies Home - Maisies Schoolwear (maisies-superstore.co.uk), or call them on 01908 313313.
Our parent association FOOPA regularly hold second hand uniform sales.
We also insist on no nail varnish, no jewellery (other than stud earrings and a watch) and please keep hair bows and hair attire simple, small and in either neutral or the academy uniform colours. Hair should be in a simple style of natural colour. No extreme styles please.
Please ensure you name all items of clothing including PE kit