Mrs Folwell, our PSHE lead, welcomes you... |
Welcome to the OPA PSHE Page. Here you will find information about PSHE at OPA including our subject pathway; detailing the content taught in each year group and the progression of PSHE throughout a child’s time at OPA. At OPA we follow Jigsaw which brings together PSHE Education, Relationships and Health Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. All year groups work on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time at their own level. There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) and each year group is taught one lesson (Piece) per week. All lessons are delivered in an age and stage appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.
What is PSHE? |
PSHE is the study of skills, knowledge and attributes needed to keep safe and healthy and prepare for
life and work.
In school we have 3 key concepts in PSHE. As emotionally intelligent people we learn to:
· Know and understand ourselves - by learning about healthy lifestyles in relation to our physical and mental wellbeing and development, and how to keep safe whilst changing and growing.
· Understand and develop healthy relationships - by developing positive relationships with family and friends, knowing how to manage hurtful behaviour and respecting ourselves and others.
· Understand responsibilities and develop aspirations - by learning about shared responsibilities and the community around us and the importance of setting goals and having aspirations.
Each year the children become more skilled in these key concepts, building upon their prior knowledge and understanding. Our intention is that when they leave in Year 6 they - value themselves as individuals, will have learnt to celebrate cultural and personal differences, will recognise their own achievements and their potential impact on the wider world, have an understanding of the impact of the world around them, will be able to manage their feelings and understand and reflect on their ever changing selves.