SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Welcome to Inclusion for Oxley Park Academy. We are passionate about ensuring that all children are at the centre of everything we do at school. We also believe that it is very important to ensure that we have high expectations for all children so that they flourish and achieve to be the best that they can.
Oxley Park Academy is a very inclusive school. We promote equality of access and opportunity to all areas of the curriculum for all learners. We believe that parents and carers play a vital role in supporting their child’s education and we, therefore, aim to encourage positive relationships between home and school.
At Oxley Park Academy we aim to:
- identify pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) as early as possible and ensure that their needs are met
- have in place systems whereby teachers are aware of pupils with SEND
- provide all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum that is differentiated to the needs and ability of the individual
- have high ambitions and expectations for pupils with SEND
- actively engage in support from the Local Authority and outside agencies
- ensure that all pupils take a full and active part in school life.
How do we support a child who has been identified as having Special Educational Needs or a disability?
- In all year groups, children will have access to learning and the curriculum through Personal Provision Plans tailored to the child’s needs
- Regular intervention programs are available in all classes to support children to make progress with their learning
- Class teachers organise and plan targeted and/or personal provision with support from the Inclusion Leader or outside agencies as required
Strategies to support and develop literacy:
- 1:1 phonics
- Reading, writing and spelling boosters to fill gaps and consolidate learning
- Smaller literacy groups supported by a Teaching Assistant
- Additional teacher support
- Providing pupils with alternative methods of recording their work, for example a laptop or using a programme called Clicker
- Differentiated challenges in class
- Targeted and personalised interventions for Literacy such as Lexia or Nessy
Strategies to support and develop numeracy:
- Smaller maths groups supported by a Teaching Assistant
- Small group or 1:1 maths boosters to fill gaps and consolidate learning
- Opportunities for pre-teaching
- Targeted and personalised interventions for maths
- Additional teacher support
- Providing pupils with alternative methods of recording their work, for example a laptop or tablet
- Differentiated challenges in class
Strategies to support and develop independent learning:
- Mentoring by peers, support staff or teaching staff
- 1:1 nurture time with a Learning Mentor
- Social groups and Classroom Skills group
- Visual timetables for class and individuals
- Academy sanctions and reward systems as set out in the academy’s Behaviour Policy
- Mentoring and guidance from a Teaching Assistant
- Personalised behaviour plans where appropriate
- Risk reduction plans where necessary
- Targeted and personalised interventions to support
- Sanctuary space for children to be used
- Virtual hugs to help support emotional difficulties
- Support and supervision at unstructured times of the day
- Access to structured activities overseen by an adult indoors or outdoors as appropriate during lunch times
- Support from our Learning Mentor
We are very proud of all the adults that work to promote inclusion and have regular weekly training sessions with internal and external trainers to develop their knowledge of SEND. These training sessions include:
- autism and how to support children with social communication and interaction challenges
- supporting reading in the classroom
- wellbeing support for all children
- how to support children with literacy difficulties including dyslexia
EAL (English as an additional language)
We welcome our growing community with children from different cultures and countries who speak a wide variety of languages. To support learners who are new to English we have a variety of strategies that we use:
- use of Learning Village (a computer programme that supports and developing language acquisition alongside curriculum language)
- Language buddies
- EAL groups with an expert Teaching Assistant to introduce basic language skills