Our Nursery Village Learning Experiences
Your little ones will be able to grow and develop in a fun and stimulating learning environment, which is well
resourced by a different topic each week, which is of interest to your children or to teach them about a particular event or festival during the academic year. For example during Chinese New Year topic our villagers were able to try Chinese food, pretend to serve up noodles in the role play area, make Chinese Lanterns, try writing numbers in Chinese, make a large dragon and perform a Chinese Dragon Dance on the stage in the main hall, with traditional Chinese music and instruments!
These first-hand experiences allow our villagers to respect different cultures, gain self-confidence , express themselves through music and dance and develop their physical development which is imperative for this stage of their development.
We encourage our Nursery villagers to be active and to stay healthy by regular Write Dance, Physical Education in the main hall, opportunities to use the large climbing apparatus on the school playing field, pedalling bikes and riding scooters, walk around the local area to explore the different seasons in Shenley Wood opposite the Nursery Village, sweep leaves in the Autumn, clean the bikes with brushes and sponges, dig in the mud kitchen and grow plants, explore water with jugs, water wheels and pipes, using different skills when cooking, finding minibeasts and experiencing fire in the Forest School area!
Your child's imagination, linguistic skills and love of reading is promoted in our Nursery Village Dream stage through sharing stories every day, singing Nursery Rhymes and songs related to the topic of the week as well as acting out stories through Helicopter Stories and using the school library.