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Two Sites | One Heart | One Mission | One School

Oxley Park Primary Academy & Nursery home page

Oxley Park Academy & Nursery



Two Sites | One Heart | One Mission | One School



Mrs Malcolm, our RE lead, welcomes you...


Welcome to the OPA Religious Education Page. Here you will find information about RE at OPA including our subject pathway; detailing the content taught in each year group and the progression of RE throughout a child’s time at OPA.  Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. RE is an important subject in itself, developing an individual’s knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society.  At OPA follow the Milton Keynes Agreed Syllabus, but alongside this runs a timetable of festivals. An assembly is held to introduce the festival to the children and then each Year group has a key question to explore linked to the festival. Through exploring these festivals children will gain some knowledge of a wide range of religions before studying them in depth. For example, children will have explored 7 questions about Eid and the Muslim Faith before studying it in more depth in Year 6. We also feel that exploring the main festivals throughout the year enables the children of those faiths within our school community to feel valued.




What is Religious Education?


Religious Education is the study of the beliefs and practices of different religions.



In school we have 5 key concepts in RE. As Theologists we learn to:


Understand beliefs and teachings-by understanding the key teachings of various religions

Understand practices and lifestyles-by understanding the day-to-day practices and lifestyles of various religions

Understand how beliefs are conveyed-by understanding how books, scriptures, readings and other important means of      communication are used to convey beliefs

Reflect-by having an appreciation of how religion plays an important role in the lives of some people

Understanding values-by having an appreciation of how many people place values as an important aspect of their lives.


Each year the children become more skilled in these key concepts, building upon their prior knowledge and understanding. Our intention is that when they leave in Year 6 they are able to talk confidently about different religions, the things that are important to these religions, and their beliefs. They understand why many of the major festivals are celebrated and have revisited these looking at different aspects throughout their time in school.  They are able to talk about their own beliefs and understand that although we do not share the same beliefs as others, all beliefs are valued and important and everyone is valued in our school and the global community.





  • The academy provides a nurturing environment for children to thrive in, taking into account all their needs and requirements
  • The school gives a village feel in the middle of a City. It is friendly and inviting as you walk in, with staff knowing the pupils by name throughout the school which gives a personal touch.
  • Working at Oxley is so special and unique. Everyone is so kind, well-being is at the forefront and our community are a delight. I love my job! (Teacher)
  • The school embraces diversity! The kids come from different countries or with different background are respected.
  • Student is happy in this school and their learning activities are attractive and remarkable.
  • Great learning spaces which doesn’t feel like your ‘typical school’ and teachers are great.